Learn to Play Programme
​​Welcome to the Learn to Play Programme in association with the Oxford Junior Stars. It is our intention through this programme to provide a thorough and structured introduction to the sport of ice hockey with the hope that aspiring hockey players will achieve all 10 levels of the programme.
The programme has been designed with the first 7 levels concentrating on the skating skills of a hockey player. Skating is the most important skill required by any hockey player in order to properly enjoy and progress within the sport. The final 3 levels consist of puck control, passing and finally shooting in order to give each player a solid understanding of all the physical skills necessary to play ice hockey.
It is understood that players come into the sport of ice hockey at various ages, developmental ages and ability levels. With this in mind, players are grouped into manageable numbers in order to maximise space and to effectively utilize our coaching resources on the ice.
Players will progress through the stages of the course at different rates as each technical skill must be achieved before a player is allowed to pass to the next level. By structuring the programme it is our goal to challenge each player individually and raise the basic skill level of all players.
We hope you enjoy the prospect of developing your hockey skills with us and becoming the best player you can be. Ice Hockey is an exciting team sport and we look forward to working together with you to share our passion for the greatest game on earth.